Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Prowler Again

The prowler sucks.

Today's WOD was a team based workout.  3 people to a team and only two people can be working at the same time.

WOD 1 (5 minutes):
Have three bars set up with 50 lbs, 100 lbs, and 150 lbs. The bars are for power cleans and score is kept by pounds. Each rep is worth the pounds on the bar. You can also do burpees for 25 points a piece. I don't remember the total for my team, but we had more points than the other team.

WOD 2: 2000m row
One rower per team. Break up the rowing however you want between the team members. We rowed until we felt like getting off the rower. The strategy worked out fine and we won this time too.

WOD 3: The Prowler
Push the prowler (loaded with 90 lbs) 400m. Again, only two people can be working at a time. The first 200m we used two people at a time to push the prowler. On the way back we each took turns pushing by ourselves. We won, but I'm telling you that I HATE THE PROWLER.

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