Saturday, April 9, 2011

Operation Japan Relief

CrossFit Santa Cruz Central put on a fundraiser this morning to benefit the people of Japan. It was a fun time and it felt good to be able to help out.
CrossFit SCC

Just get em done as fast or slow as you like! In any order too.

WOD 1: 1K run or row.
WOD 2: 10 push ups and 1 rope climb 4 rounds
WOD 3: 30 dumbbell cleans…weight is your choice
WOD 4: 5 HSPU and 20 air squats 4 rounds
WOD 5: 30 double unders and 10 sit ups 3 rounds.
Bonus Workout- 30 Burpees for time.

It costs $20 to "buy in". For every completed workout you get a poker chip. When you have five, you are dealt 5 cards. Your hand is recorded and the best hands win a prize.

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