Thursday, April 22, 2010


Wasn't feeling it today. Here is the workout all the same.

Partner WOD:

Row 500M-400M-300M-200M-100M
Rest 2min-1.5min-1min- 30s

While partner rows, complete as many reps as possible at 5 of 6 of the following:
Double Under
Box Jump
Sit up
(can’t do same movement twice)

Rower’s time determines partners work time at movement - rest together. Apply each of the 5 movements to partners row distance, i.e., double under while partner rows 500m, squat while partner does 400m etc. Complete all row distances and movements before switching. Goal is to get as many reps possible so choosing an unfavorable movement for the longer row distances won’t make sense. Record: height of max box jump - total score of all reps - 5 row times.

Class ran right up to the hour, so I didn't have time to record my times and reps. I did OK with the rowing. 

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